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Gomasio (Sesame Salt)

Gomasio (Sesame Salt)

I’ve always had a bit of a savoury tooth. While some people crave sweets, I would much rather scarf down a bowl of popcorn or potato chips. If you combine the flavour of roasted sesame with that, I’m done for. I can’t keep those sesame sticks 

No Knead Oatmeal Sandwich Bread (Vegan, Oil-Free)

No Knead Oatmeal Sandwich Bread (Vegan, Oil-Free)

Bread is the cornerstone of any good farmhouse kitchen. It’s such a simple thing, made with the most basic of ingredients, but is pivotal to so many of our most memorable family meals. Like rice, corn, potatoes, and other starchy staples, it is the foundation 

Furniture Rehab: Turning Cast-Offs Into Family Heirlooms – Antique Restoration and Repair

Furniture Rehab: Turning Cast-Offs Into Family Heirlooms – Antique Restoration and Repair

My husband and I started our family shortly after graduating from university, so there was never really a time when we had extra money for things like interior decorating. Our apartments were furnished with hand-me-downs gathered from generous family and friends, and we were totally 

Vegan Truck Stop Pancakes

Vegan Truck Stop Pancakes

Vegan truck stop – now that’s an image I enjoy more than I probably should. Having grown up with truck-driving uncles (I’m talking Smokey and the Bandit era truckers), I can’t help but laugh at the thought of them pulling in to fuel up at 

Tangy Cheddar Sauce for Nachos (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Oil Free)

Tangy Cheddar Sauce for Nachos (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Oil Free)

To say that I love nachos would be an understatement. Corn chips are arguably the perfect snack food, and if you smother that deliciousness with refried beans, some good salsa, and a mountain of cheese, you’d be hard pressed to find anything I enjoy more. 

A Year With Dany, the Accidental Farm Cat

A Year With Dany, the Accidental Farm Cat

During the first week of January last year, our sweet old cat, Shadow, passed away. With both of our cats now gone, the house felt strangely empty – I’ve had at least one feline companion throughout most of my life, so this was new for us. At about 

Sheep-Free Haggis (Vegan/Gluten-Free)

Sheep-Free Haggis (Vegan/Gluten-Free)

I’ve never had a traditional haggis. Call me crazy, but I prefer sheep in their original packaging. So what’s a good Scottish girl to do when her favourite January reason for feastin’ rolls around? Veggie haggis, of course! Burns Suppers are something we started doing with 

How to deal with a hole in your shitkickers.

How to deal with a hole in your shitkickers.

Excuse my colourful choice of words, I’m nothing if not a bit crass. Cheap too, if you ask my kids. My son swears I won’t buy anything that costs more than $15, and to be fair, that’s not much of an exaggeration. But you can’t 

11 Tips for Easing the Transition to a Plant-Based Diet

11 Tips for Easing the Transition to a Plant-Based Diet

Are you thinking about reducing the amount of meat, eggs, and dairy you eat? Limiting your intake of these things is sure to benefit you physically, but it’s not always an easy adjustment to make, mentally. I have several friends and family members who have 

Sparkling Oranges

Sparkling Oranges

Our Christmas morning brunch routine has been the same for as long as I can remember: cinnamon buns with stockings, and eggs benedict for breakfast, usually with roast potatoes and fruit salad on the side. About a decade ago, I stumbled upon this recipe, and