Tag: Gluten Free

Sushi Bowls (Vegan/GF)

Sushi Bowls (Vegan/GF)

We started making these a couple of years ago, back when the restaurants were closed and we were desperate for the flavours and ease of a take-out meal. We continue to make them to this day because they’re quick to pull together, and are a 

Tangy Cheddar Sauce for Nachos (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Oil Free)

Tangy Cheddar Sauce for Nachos (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Oil Free)

To say that I love nachos would be an understatement. Corn chips are arguably the perfect snack food, and if you smother that deliciousness with refried beans, some good salsa, and a mountain of cheese, you’d be hard pressed to find anything I enjoy more. 

Sheep-Free Haggis (Vegan/Gluten-Free)

Sheep-Free Haggis (Vegan/Gluten-Free)

I’ve never had a traditional haggis. Call me crazy, but I prefer sheep in their original packaging. So what’s a good Scottish girl to do whenย her favourite January reason for feastin’ rolls around? Veggie haggis, of course! Burns Suppers are something we started doing with 

No-Parm Pesto

No-Parm Pesto

I may have overdone it. Again. I have a tendency to get overly excited about one crop every year and plant way more than one family can possibly eat. Exhibit A, last year’s garlic haul: By June, when I still had half a bushel left 

Low Fat Granola

Low Fat Granola

If you’re familiar with my old blog, my love affair with this wholesome breakfast staple is old news, though I have continued to tweak it over the years, and it’s still a mainstay of our diet, so I thought it was worth sharing again. My 

Crunchy Granola

Crunchy Granola

An accurate description of me? There are some who would say so. Homemade granola has to be one of my all time favorite breakfast foods. I’ve tried different flavour combinations, but I think the simplest ones tend to be the most satisfying. It isn’t exactly