Roasted squash with all the fixins’

Roasted squash with all the fixins’

I harvested these lovely Delicata squashes from the garden today in order to make a yummy sounding dish that my good friend Catriona came up with recently.   To prepare the squash, I halved and seeded them, and then brushed them with a little olive 

Tomato Daze

Tomato Daze

I’m still dealing with tomatoes as they continue to ripen in dribs and drabs in our cool autumn weather. It’s supposed to be sunny and warm for the next week or so, and I’m hoping that the lack of rain will allow the rest of 

September’s Sights

September’s Sights

Please excuse the poor quality of today’s photos. It was so overcast when I took these, that I barely had enough light to get them without a flash (and I hate using the flash!). Here’s what’s happening around the garden these days. The calendula’s still 

Calendula Salve

Calendula Salve

I made a batch of calendula salve recently with some of the flowers from my garden. It’s a wonderful thing to have around the house – helps to heal cuts, sun and windburn, eczema, fungal infections, and many other types of owies. The flowers look 

Here Comes the Rain Again

Here Comes the Rain Again

We’re going to be at a concert tonight, so I’m doing a midday post. Well, I think the fall weather has officially arrived. It started pouring last night and has been raining ever since – my silly coastal kids were so happy that they were 

A Cure for Onions

A Cure for Onions

I harvested my onions recently and am pleasantly surprised by how well they turned out. I experimented with growing them from seed this year, which I’d never done before, and I have to admit that I was pretty skeptical while I was transplanting those piddly