Tag: Around Town

Oat Fudge Bars

Oat Fudge Bars

It’s been so long since I’ve posted a recipe that you’d almost be fooled into believing that I don’t spend every spare moment of my day perusing books, magazines, and the web for new food ideas. The sad truth is, while I do rely on 

Olympic Dreams

Olympic Dreams

Wow, three months goes by really quickly!  I may not have posted for a while, but not due to a lack of things to talk about. We’re having a lovely second winter here, although it has been a lot less snowy than last year was, we 

Sight Seeing at Home

Sight Seeing at Home

If you’re like me, you don’t often get around to taking in the “touristy” sights in your own hometown, thinking you’ll get around to it when you’re less busy, when there are fewer actual tourists, or when the weather cooperates. Stupidly, that’s how I felt 

A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

I wasn’t looking forward to our planned trip to the pumpkin patch this year. The weather had been particularly cold and drizzly the day of our scheduled outing, but our group of homeschooling friends heads out there together every year and we certainly didn’t want 

A Car-Free Drive

A Car-Free Drive

East Vancouver’s Commercial Drive neighborhood (otherwise known as “The Drive”) celebrated it’s third annual car-free festival today, which is held to raise awareness about the importance of walkable, pedestrian friendly cities. Several blocks of the Drive are closed to traffic during the festivities, and the 

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

Thank you all for the nice birthday wishes!My daughter and I finally made it out for our “high tea” date today at our favorite tea house, The Secret Garden. We’d planned to go for Bee’s birthday last month, but every week between then and now 

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

I’ve seen several people taking part in a fun blog project (started over at Owlhaven, I believe), posting photos of the various things that occur over the course of one day in their life. Here’s my day as it happened on Wednesday, February 28th. The 

Day Trip

Day Trip

Monday saw us making an unexpected day trip to Bowen Island, a lovely little piece of rock tucked in the waters of Howe Sound just off the coast of West Vancouver. A scenic 20 minute ferry ride brings you to Snug Cove, the island’s quaint