
Our major renovations are coming to an end, so I thought I’d share some of the before and after photos with you. Just for fun, I thought I’d show you the “real” before shots from when we bought the house. We did a lot to it before we moved in (removing carpets and wallpaper, painting, etc.), so it hasn’t looked like that for a while now, but it’s sure fun to compare!
The biggest project was tiling the kitchen. As I mentioned earlier, we were hoping to sand the oak floors that are underneath the lovely lino in the above photo (that’s my mom you see lugging a huge bag of mortar), but there ended up being two layers of asbestos floor tiles under it, so we decided not to disturb them and tiled over top instead.
I’ve already shown you the kitchen’s before photo, but here’s what it looks like now with its pretty new floor.
I’m wishing we’d done this two years ago, because the variegated brown tiles are great for hiding paw prints and other messes.
This is what the kids’ room looked like when we bought the house…

…and this is it with its brand new floor

The bathroom was particularly lovely, with its stuck-in-the-seventies feel…

…but now it’s feeling very calm and spa-like.
The vanity is the same one, but I painted it a rich espresso color and added some new stainless steel knobs, re-enameled the cultured marble counter top (covering its crackled gold glaze with a shiny white one), and added some new taps. The tub was also re-surfaced (it was gold-toned and rusty before), I tiled the floor, and the beige toilet was replaced with a nice white low-flush model.
I think I’m happiest about this room.
This is the living room before…

…and after (sorry it’s so dark, I took it without a flash). 

Here’s the master bedroom before… 

…and after. Scraping the wallpaper off the far wall was a major pain, but it was worth it in the end.
And that’s it! I have to say, I love being able to look at the photos side by side. In the midst of doing the work, it never feels like you’re accomplishing a whole lot, so having concrete evidence of the change is very satisfying.
The most amazing thing is, none of these changes cost very much. It’s surprising what a little paint and elbow grease can do!

13 thoughts on “Changes”

  • Wow, you have done an amazing job on your house Cheryl. I love your colours and style. My house is about the same size as yours and is getting a bit “tired”. Being on a budget I wasn’t sure what we could do but you have inspired me to get the paintbrush out!

  • What a sense of accomplishment you must feel looking back! There IS a lot of work there, and I know what you mean~ it doesn’t always feel like a lot when you do one project at a time, but it really is.

    Congratulations on a lovely home!

  • Your house is adorable. One can only imagine that your decorating/building/design skills will soar in your new abode!

  • Looks like you did a fantastic job with your home. Must feel very satisfying. Creating a home that is a reflection of yourself is so important. I hope you can enjoy it immensely!

    Also, I noticed that you unschool your kids. We’re talking about homeschooling ours and I’m most interested in unschooling. I’m going to go poke around your other site now.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and introducing me to yours.

  • Wow, I can’t believe you want to leave this cute little home…even though I know the next one will look just a good. Looks fabulous!!!

  • Yeah, we did the same sort of stuff right before we sold our bungalow. Made me think, “why didn’t we do this years ago?”

    Looks great! Now just keep the gumption up for the new place 🙂

  • incredible! just in time for the spring real estate market too! your home is so lovely. what is it about getting to peek into other people’s spaces?

  • Thanks all of your wonderful comments, everyone. We’ve gotten some positive feedback from our realtor and potential buyers (someone asked if anyone actually lived here!), so let’s hope that translates into enough money to build the next one!

  • Those are some great Before and Afters! Doesnt it feel so GOOD to see the changes you visualize. Congrats for the sale of your house, too, and may your new place be full of the same sort of personal touches 🙂

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