Tag: Ancestry

Sheep-Free Haggis (Vegan/Gluten-Free)

Sheep-Free Haggis (Vegan/Gluten-Free)

I’ve never had a traditional haggis. Call me crazy, but I prefer sheep in their original packaging. So what’s a good Scottish girl to do when her favourite January reason for feastin’ rolls around? Veggie haggis, of course! Burns Suppers are something we started doing with 

Date Squares, A Love Story

Date Squares, A Love Story

I acquired my love of cooking from my mom, who grew up on a remote homestead in the Peace River valley. The oldest girl of 6 kids, she was expected to pitch in as soon as she was able, so cooking was something she picked 



I’ve mentioned before that I have a real desire to make a connection with my family roots, particularly with the women and the culinary traditions they would have passed down to their daughters through the generations. Many of these were lost when my great grandparents 

Cookbook Spotlight – Scots Cooking

Cookbook Spotlight – Scots Cooking

I recently took this book out of the library in my ongoing search for the perfect bap recipe. I have a real hunger for a connection with my ancestral roots, so a whole book of traditional Scottish recipes really appealed to me. I had a 



Being the good displaced Scots that they are (we’re descended from Fergusons on my grandfather’s side, and Wallaces on my grandmother’s side) my kids have a love affair with Scottish Bap buns. There’s a bakery here that makes exceptional whole wheat baps, but we go