On Orchards and Reattaching Limbs

On Orchards and Reattaching Limbs

One of the joys of moving from the city is having enough room to put in a small orchard. While our city garden did have a few small fruit trees, it was never going to be enough to supply our apple habit. We were fortunate 

Homemade Lip Balm

Homemade Lip Balm

This morning, my daughter and I have been experimenting with making homemade lip balm. She had to come up with a chemistry-based project for an upcoming science fair, so she decided to study emulsifiers and how they stabilize liquids. Since I have some experience with whipping up my 

Garden Markers on the Cheap

Garden Markers on the Cheap

I think I’m going to have to file this one under “Now why the heck didn’t I think of that?”. I was perusing Pinterest a while ago, and came across this brilliant idea for cheap (free, actually) row markers for the garden. I was happy 

Planning 2012

Planning 2012

Late winter is a great time of year. Not only do I get to cozy up and enjoy the occasional snow day (having one of those today, actually), but I can use that time to dream and make plans for the garden to come. The days 

Happy National Banana Bread Day!

Happy National Banana Bread Day!

Okay, to be honest, I had no idea that February 23rd was Banana Bread Day. I just coincidentally happened to be waiting for a batch to come out of the oven when I stumbled upon this happy bit of news online. But really, what a 

A Fowl Odour

A Fowl Odour

Over the past month or so, we’ve noticed a funny smell (that’s putting it nicely) coming from the crawl space adjacent to our basement stairs. My husband has torn it apart numerous times trying to figure out where it was coming from, but was never 

Mid-Winter Deals

Mid-Winter Deals

Well, it’s that time of year again, when garden centers everywhere are clearing out old stock to make room for this year’s crop of garden delights. Sorry, dark cell phone photo! Yesterday, I headed out to my favorite haunt for a little late January garden 

Deal of the day.

Deal of the day.

Look what I found at our local thrift store today – a brand new (still in the package!) Yolife yogurt maker for only four dollars! I have always relied on the warmth of my oven light when making my own yogurt, but the temperature isn’t always 

Bacon Jam

I shared this link on Facebook yesterday, but it would be such a good addition to any New Year’s Eve party that I thought I’d share it here too. I know I’ve spoken quite a bit about being at least a partial vegetarian (I was 

The Running of the Birds

I hope everyone is having a nice December, and that you’re enjoying your holiday preparations, whatever form they take. I was heading out to the garden the other day to harvest some leeks, and took this video of the chickens along the way. Apparently they