Things to do with Zucchini

Things to do with Zucchini

Late summer usually means an overabundance of summer squash for gardeners – namely, zucchini. I am no exception, especially when they get to be the size of this beauty. So, what to do with your bounty? I’ve got a few suggestions. The first is to 

Garden Pests and Blueberry Pie

Garden Pests and Blueberry Pie

Have I mentioned lately how much I’d like to get out of the city? Vancouver is extremely safe as cities go, but as I sit here typing, there is a plain clothes police officer sitting in my tomato patch doing surveillance on (I’m assuming) one 

We(s)t Coast?

We(s)t Coast?

I’m knackered tonight, so I’ll keep this brief. Garden Miscellany:I spotted this lovely duo of nasturtiums and spiderwort in the garden today and thought the combination was striking. Only in a coastal garden would you find this lurking in the shadows! I use seaweed collected 

The tomatoes are ripening!!

The tomatoes are ripening!!

Okay, so it would seem that my whining about having a bumper crop of tomatoes that were never going to ripen was a little premature. We’ve had a few good days of sunshine and things seem to be coming along nicely! The Siletz and Romas 

Final Summer Blooms

Final Summer Blooms

Things seem to be coming to a close in my beds these days, with many of the flowers looking spent and brown. Here are some that are still looking good. A newly opened yellow rose. A William Shakespeare rose. This one is spectacular in person 



Well, you’re looking at it – the very first tomato of the season! (First that is, if you don’t count J’s cherry tomato from last week). But this is the first of the mid-large sized tomatoes. It’s an Ailsa Craig, which is supposed to be 

Garden Party!

Garden Party!

There’s a garden party going on over at Today’s Lessons (follow the link to see some great photos of other bloggers’ gardens), and I thought I would take part as well. Here are a few of the latest photos from around the garden: White DahliaCosmosWhite 

Truffles and Beans

Truffles and Beans

I got my first real harvest of the Fortex pole beans that I planted in my Three Sisters plot today. I was shocked by how big they are – some were almost a foot long. We chopped these ones up and threw them in with 

Bits and Bobs

Bits and Bobs

It’s raining today, and we’re off to visit friends. Here are a few pictures from the garden that I took over the weekend. David Austin rose “Molineaux”. Purple Dahlia.One of the ladybugs emerged from its pupa yesterday! The frog fountain is back in commission.