Swedish Chocolate Balls

A very good friend of mine came to town recently for a visit (they’ve left the city, but still come here occasionally for dentist appointments, etc.). She’s Swedish and therefore had to do the mandatory Ikea trip while she was here, so I agreed to meet her there for lunch.

I managed to spend the entire afternoon there without buying a single thing (other than my lunch), but my friend made me try a ” Swedish Chocolate Ball”, and I’m beginning to regret ever having tasted one. They are the most delicious chocolatey confections which Swedes apparently enjoy with their afternoon coffee.

I really do not want to be driving to Ikea every time I get a craving for one of these things. Thankfully, a few minutes on Google turned up several recipes for them, and today I tried this one. I pulverized everything in the food processor to make them more like the one I had, which worked really well.

They taste a little bit like the chocolate haystacks that my mom used to make when I was a kid, but with a hint of coffee flavor. I think the ones at Ikea had a lot more butter in them than the ones I made (more like ganache rolled with finely ground oatmeal and coconut), but less fat is probably a good thing.

In other news, the wood stove seems to be a hit with the four legged members of the family.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

11 thoughts on “Swedish Chocolate Balls”

  • I love swedish food too!!When we go shopping by Ikea than we eat there in the restaurant because you can good eating there for cheap prices or buy there in the shop diffrent things to eat like a cake.My girls love there to eat the “Hot Dogs”.

    Have a nice weekend too!


  • Oh, yum…I’m feeling like I could use a chocolate fix and your post is not helping. I think I will try to make these this week. Isn’t it funny how animals love a nice warm place to curl up? I’m sure your pets will be spending a good amount of time in front of your new woodstove.

  • Ooh! I’ve never had those before. They look delicious! Can you believe I’ve never been to Ikea?! Thank goodness, I’d probably just stare at everything slack jawed and drooling. LOL

  • YUMMMM on the Swedish chocolate balls. And OHMYGOSH how cute are those animals. Ours do the same in front of the fire. They look adorable, content. How great is that?

  • Curse thee! I made the things last night for my daughter to take to class this morning (one per child) to celebrate her birthday. Well, it’s a snow day, and they’re out there chilling on the back porch…calling out to me… Actually, they were quite good, and yes, I took your tip and mixed them in a cuisinart. Much easier to roll up, certainly. Thanks for the idea!

  • Steffi – My kids love their hot dogs too.

    Carla – Sorry to tempt you when you’re needing a chocolate fix. At least these have oatmeal in them, maybe that qualifies them as breakfast food!?

    Katie – Just let me know when to expect you! ; )

    Melissa – Oh, good idea! I need to find me a treat that nobody else will touch!

    Chelee – Wow, that’s pretty impressive that you’ve never been to Ikea. I wish I could say the same!

    Lu – It’s definitely the most popular napping spot in our house these days.

    El – Sorry! I hope they survived the snow day!

    Debbie – Thanks!

  • Mmm, I came over as Heather at Beauty That Moves linked to you and this recipe. I loved haystacks, I think I even posted a recipes on my blog years ago for them so I can't wait to try these.
    (My cat sits in front of the wood stove on cold mornings to remind me to start it up!)

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