After an unusually warm and dry past month or so, it was a nice treat to wake up to rain this morning. I’m convinced it was reading Farmgirl’s post on how to make it rain that did it (if you haven’t read it, do – it’s hilarious). I took her advice and hung a load of sheets to dry yesterday and just barely got them off the line before they were too wet to sleep on after a light sprinkle started to fall.
I am such a hibernator that these few hours of drizzle have given me an overwhelming desire to hunker down and do comforting indoor things (just a few weeks of summer weather and I’m ready for fall!).
The garden will burst out with new growth after this, I can’t wait!
For breakfast this morning we had toast with the fresh “Summer Flowers” honey that we got at the Farmer’s Market last weekend – heaven. How can it taste so different from store-bought honey?
hello, hello! I just popped to you old home at homestead blogger to see if this was the same Cheryl..