Tag: Fun Stuff

Tag, you’re it!

Phelan tagged me with this book meme yesterday. I’ve never done one before, so here goes: 1. One book that changed your life – hardest question first.Inventing the Future by David Suzuki. Read this as a teen. It was one of the first books that 

Sleepover Fun and the Roof

Sleepover Fun and the Roof

My daughter (Bee) had her best friend over for a sleepover last night. It’s so neat to see them growing up together (they’ve been joined at the hip since they were a year old), but it’s hard to believe it’s been 9 years already! Her 

If only we’d read this before signing our mortgage!

My husband and I had a good chuckle over this one: Man turns paper clip into houseBy Jeremy Cooke BBC News, Washington A Canadian man who set out to use the internet to trade a paper clip to get a house says he has achieved 

World Cup Fever

World Cup Fever

Our community has its fair share of proud Italians and they were out in full force after the World Cup final game ended yesterday afternoon. Commercial Drive (“The Drive”) was shut down due to the festivities, which exploded into the streets when the coffee shops