Tag: Garden Pests



I’ve dreamed of keeping bees since I was in my early twenties, pouring over Harrowsmith Country Life and Mother Earth News magazines. When a girlfriend invited me to help with her father’s fall honey extraction while I was living in Nova Scotia, that was it, 

On Orchards and Reattaching Limbs

On Orchards and Reattaching Limbs

One of the joys of moving from the city is having enough room to put in a small orchard. While our city garden did have a few small fruit trees, it was never going to be enough to supply our apple habit. We were fortunate 

Dust Bowl

Dust Bowl

We’ve had such a cool, wet summer around these parts that it’s been branded the “bummer summer” by some. If we ever do finally get a nice, hot day (or heaven forbid, two in a row), it’s almost sure to rain within 48 hours. Needless 

The Case of the Missing Berries: A Garden Caper

The Case of the Missing Berries: A Garden Caper

  After threatening to rip out my strawberry patch last year due to lackluster production, I think I’ve finally figured out the key to getting a good crop. Despite having 60+ strawberry plants, I never seemed to get more than a handful or two at