Tag: Uncategorized

World Cup Fever

World Cup Fever

Our community has its fair share of proud Italians and they were out in full force after the World Cup final game ended yesterday afternoon. Commercial Drive (“The Drive”) was shut down due to the festivities, which exploded into the streets when the coffee shops 

Garden Pics

Garden Pics

I was out taking photos this morning and thought I’d share a couple. The kale is looking ready to harvest, and the Bombast Rose poppies are in full bloom. I love to go out and and just look at everything. My neighbors probably think I’m 

The Fam

The Fam

Here’s a picture of our family (I’m behind the camera as usual) walking on the beach here in Vancouver. The furry one in the middle is Princess, our English Shepherd that we rescued from the SPCA as a puppy. We didn’t choose the name, and