Tag: Frugal Food

Gomasio (Sesame Salt)

Gomasio (Sesame Salt)

I’ve always had a bit of a savoury tooth. While some people crave sweets, I would much rather scarf down a bowl of popcorn or potato chips. If you combine the flavour of roasted sesame with that, I’m done for. I can’t keep those sesame sticks 

No Knead Oatmeal Sandwich Bread (Vegan, Oil-Free)

No Knead Oatmeal Sandwich Bread (Vegan, Oil-Free)

Bread is the cornerstone of any good farmhouse kitchen. It’s such a simple thing, made with the most basic of ingredients, but is pivotal to so many of our most memorable family meals. Like rice, corn, potatoes, and other starchy staples, it is the foundation 

Low Fat Granola

Low Fat Granola

If you’re familiar with my old blog, my love affair with this wholesome breakfast staple is old news, though I have continued to tweak it over the years, and it’s still a mainstay of our diet, so I thought it was worth sharing again. My 

Spilling the Beans

Spilling the Beans

Sorry, this isn’t the confessional post that that title would suggest. Having been vegetarians for so long, our family has always eaten a lot of beans. We do eat meat these days, but beans are still a delicious, protein packed staple in our house. While 

Making Yogurt

Making Yogurt

Well, here it is: the long overdue yogurt post. I’ve been meaning to write about making yogurt for at least three years now, and you can see from the abundance of photos that I’ve been preparing for it for a long time. As I mentioned 

Chocolate Fix

Chocolate Fix

I posted this recipe on my homelearning blog almost three years ago, but it’s still such a favorite of ours that I thought I would post it over here as well, especially as I’ve been intending to share low cost recipes. When trying to lower 

What A Sap

What A Sap

One of the first (and most drastic) food related price increases that I noticed over the past year or so was the cost of maple syrup. I found it hard to justify the high price of the real thing at the best of times, but 

Organics, etc.

I’ve been feeling like I should clarify what I was trying to say in my previous post, which actually started out as a much longer, more involved post that I never seemed able to finish because it had become too large and unwieldy. Since I 

Rising Food Costs and Shrinking Budgets

Hello out there! Obviously I haven’t quite gotten a handle on my recent bout of blogging laziness, but I’ve been feeling a little more inspired lately and am hoping to stage a comeback. I may do occasional updates on the house, but for now, I