Days 1 and 2

We got started on the house wrap on Saturday, but we quickly became too short for the job… …the rest is on hold until we get either taller ladders or scaffolding.

I wired my very first electrical outlet today! Only 200 or so left to go…

7 thoughts on “Days 1 and 2”

  • How exciting. It is a good thing you have to work so hard at it, or you wouldn’t sleep for the excitement of it all. You should be very good a wiring by the end.

  • Good for you. I am so inspired with your progress and efforts that as I begin some simply changes and upgrades I keep checking here for sources and ideas!

  • Thanks for all the encouragement, you guys!

    Rural Aspirations – My mom and step-dad have done a lot of wiring around their place, so they’ve been sharing their wisdom (and the BC electrical code book has been our late night reading for weeks now!).

  • Cheryl
    It looks good. Coming right along.
    Just think of all that equity you are building by doing some of the work yourself—you’ll retire sooner 😀

    Oh yes,we bought some scaffolding on line to do some of our work and are REALLY glad we did. Much more convenient than renting.
    I don’t know if they sell in your area but here is who we used and they were well priced and shipped on time:
    Lucky you if you can borrow it—we couldn’t.

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