A few fabulous finds.
I popped into a new thrift shop that’s gone in where a great furniture consignment store used to be, and was thrilled to find a couple of things that I’ve been wanting for awhile. I’ve always adored these little copper butter warmers but have never sprung for one because they’re ridiculously expensive. I’ve been using my stainless steel measuring cups on the stovetop to melt butter when I need it (we don’t have a microwave), but I’m always worried that they’ll warp, so I was very excited when I saw this on the shelf for a whole dollar.
It wasn’t looking particularly pretty at first, but once I got it home I gave it a good scrub with some fresh lemon juice and a little salt.
Who says natural cleaners aren’t effective?
My second score was this cute little individual sized frying pan. We had one when I was growing up and it was always well used. After a thorough cleaning and a lick of oil, it looks as good as new.
I also grabbed this great book. It’s full of fun-looking projects, such as book-binding, Shaker and Amish woodcraft, floor cloths, rag rugs, and quaint little bird houses. I can’t wait to try some of them out.Have I mentioned how much I love buying things second hand? You’d never get all this great stuff from a trip to Wally World! Well, not for $5 anyway.
6 thoughts on “A few fabulous finds.”
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Excellent score Cheryl! I am jealous of your little copper butter melter. Think of all the other things you can use it for too! Melting drizzling chocolate, warming milk etc etc AND you get some “home decoration” value as an added bonus! What more could you ask for a dollar!!
Cheryl, these are fantastic finds. I must commend you on your “restoring” skills. I was impressed with the abelskiver pan being cleaned up and now look at these two great cooking finds! Impressive work! The book looks very interesting. Maybe I haven’t been very fair to our second-hand shops around here, better start poking around them again.
Monica – Ooh, all good ideas. I better hang it by the stove so I can see it all the time!
Lu – Thanks! It sometimes takes a little sifting, but there are usually a few treasures hidden on the shelves.
Wonderful scores! I agree, thrifting is much better than Stuf*Mart trips. Now I’m itching to go. Too bad our thrift store is closed on Sundays. AH! Withdrawal!
Those are some really good finds Cheryl – they are really well made.
I love thrift shops too. We call them charity shops in the UK as all run by charities. I take a lot of our outgrown toys and clothes there but always come home with more stuff! My most recent bargain was a craft book for children with 365 ideas in it that was £15.00 new and reduced to £1.00.
Thicket Dweller – I hope you get your “fix” soon! : )
Ruth – A lot of ours are run by charities too, but certainly not all. Your craft book sounds like a real find (my daughter’s a craft nut)!