Garden Pests and Blueberry Pie

Have I mentioned lately how much I’d like to get out of the city? Vancouver is extremely safe as cities go, but as I sit here typing, there is a plain clothes police officer sitting in my tomato patch doing surveillance on (I’m assuming) one of our neighbors. At least they had the decency to call and warn us that he was out there, and he seemed like a very pleasant fellow when I had to intervene because Princess went Cujo on him.

On a lighter note, B. and I used the rest of the blueberries that we bought at the market to make ourselves a blueberry pie this afternoon.

She was a big help cutting the strips for and helping to weave the lattice top. Inspired by our craftiness, she used a small metal measuring cup and leftover dough to make a miniature pie for their Littlest Pet Shop animals. So cute!

Blueberry pie isn’t always pretty, but it sure does taste good! Maybe I should run a piece out to my friend in the garden…


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