Tag: The Great Outdoors

Saltspring Island 2011

Saltspring Island 2011

We returned from our annual pilgrimage to Saltspring Island last week, and I thought I’d share a few photos. Misty morning at Ruckle Park. We shared breakfast with a hungry sea otter: (Well, he didn’t actually share, but that was just fine with me). Spent 

Wild Huckleberry Tarts

Wild Huckleberry Tarts

Red (highbush) huckleberries grow wild in our area, and we’re lucky to have an abundance of these bushes on our property and in the neighbouring park. My daughter went for a sleepover at a friend’s house last week, and those crazy girls spent the evening 

Local Politics

Local Politics

One of the things we’re enjoying most about living here is the almost daily encounters with local wildlife. One of the most awesome so far happened just a couple of weeks ago. I stepped out onto the deck one morning to see why the ravens 

Snowed In

Snowed In

Our last several days have been spent moving between cooking, eating, tobogganing, sleeping, reading, and stoking the fire. We’ve been hit with more snow in the past week than I have seen in a very long time, and I’m loving every minute of it. Fortunately,