A Slow News Day

A Slow News Day

Things are still cruising along at a pretty slow pace around here, but I just had to share my big splurge! I’m not a woman with the stereotypical shoe fetish – I’m pretty monogamous when it comes to footwear. I have one favorite pair of 

Long time no see!

Long time no see!

I don’t know if there’s anyone coming around here after I’ve taken such a long and unexpected hiatus, but if you’re reading this, thanks for stopping by! No, I haven’t been busy working on our house, things are only just getting underway now. As I 

Second Hand News

Second Hand News

My hubby and I made a trip to Value Village today to try and find a cheap crockpot. We read somewhere recently that simmering old hardware in one of these for several hours will remove the layers of paint that have accumulated on them over 

The Low Impact Period

The Low Impact Period

I’ve talked here quite a bit about the things we’ve done as a family to reduce our impact on the environment, but one thing that I haven’t touched on yet is the one thing I’ve been doing the longest, and the one thing that I 

Habitat ReStore

Habitat ReStore

When building a home on a budget and trying to reuse and recycle as many materials as possible, your friendly neighborhood Habitat ReStore definitely makes things a whole lot easier. Habitat for Humanity is a charity that builds homes for families who can’t afford to 



Before I start my usual ramblings, I’d like to say thank you for all of the nice comments you guys left on my last post. I loved hearing about each of you, and am surprised by the similarities we all share, whether you live halfway 

We’re Out!

We’re Out!

We’ve finally finished our move, and have almost settled in at my mother’s place (which is where we’ll be staying while our house is being built). It was kind of sad to leave our little house (it was just under 800 square feet at the 

Spring Garden

Spring Garden

I love spring! Everything is so green, and the air smells incredible. Here’s what’s going on around the garden. The lilacs are largely responsible for the sweet smelling air. This one sits at the edge of the veggie garden, and there’s a white one in 

Things I Love – Freecycle

Things I Love – Freecycle

I know, I know – I may have mentioned how much I love Freecycle a time or two since starting this blog, but I’ve never actually dedicated an entire post to it. Just in case there are some of you out there who haven’t yet 

The House

The House

After much deliberation, we have finally picked out house plans! The one that we chose is a Ross Chapin design called the Morgan Hill, and it is exactly what we were looking for as far as a modest, efficient layout, and it is a design