My Girl

My lovely girl turned eleven today. I really don’t know how we’ve gotten here so fast.

B. at three and a half.What can I tell you about her – she’s hilariously funny, incredibly thoughtful and caring, a talented artist, a voracious reader and an aspiring writer. She adores babies (she’s been begging me to have another one for years now), loves animals, and is a good friend.We’re no longer doing large birthday bashes, focusing instead on making a special day just for her. She started her morning with some fluffy aebleskiver, followed by a leisurely bike ride with her dad, an afternoon movie, and at her request we had an Indian feast with family (curry is her favorite), with a yummy homemade lemon cake for dessert. Tomorrow she and I are going out for high tea at our favorite tea house (this hasn’t really turned out to be any cheaper than a big bash, but it’s a lot more fun!).Happy Birthday sweetheart!

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