Rainy Days

We seem to have reverted back to the rainy winter weather that we only managed to get rid of a few weeks ago, getting six continuous days of rain, something that’s apparently only happened here in July four times in recorded history (and there’s wet weather in the forecast for at least one more day). I have to admit that I do love the rain, and am quite happy to hunker down and do slower paced, homey things while waiting for the sun to return. Besides, I don’t think there are many things more beautiful than rain in the summer garden.

Solomon’s Seal Shasta Daisy Baby Tomatoes

Mock Orange Calla Lily
Currants While out with my camera, I picked a large bundle of Black Tuscan kale in order to make a batch of the Kale and White Bean Soup that Jim over at Earth Home Garden posted about awhile ago.
The sight of a pot of soup bubbling away on the stove is not exactly what I think of when I think of summer cooking, but it certainly fit the bill on this particular day. There’s still plenty of time for pasta salad.


9 thoughts on “Rainy Days”

  • We’re getting lots of rain, too. It was cloudy and rainy for about a week, and then we had one day of sunshine (I did laundry :). It’s supposed to rain for the next couple of days. I can’t complain, though, because I don’t ever have to water my garden ;).

  • Rainy here too in sunny California LOL LOve the baby tomato picture!!!! And yes, I felt guilty making a pot of beef stew the other night (using up a lot of my veggies from our garden that weren’t getting eaten) now I wished I had waited a day or two LOL

    BTW, I nominated you for the Rockin’ Girl Blogger Award, Cheryl. Stop by my site and see what it’s all about. I love your blog–so inspiring


  • Great photos. I too appreciate the rain for a change of pace. I had to do some watering yesterday so I hope we get a shower tonight. It is suppose to be nice all week, so if it doesn’t rain, I will be watering more.

    We had some curly kale last week just steamed with butter. It was so yummy. I am looking forward to making sour leaf soup. My baba made it and it is great. My sorrel is getting big so I will do that when it cools down or rains.

    A wonderful post as usual.

  • I was just out and about in our garden, helping my son find bugs. Sounds like we are having similiar weather, and I must say, I am really enjoying these warm, cloudy & rainy days.

    I’m sure the sun will return soon enough. Your soup looks delicious! I just noticed today that my Kale has been attacked by aphids. Not very appetizing.

  • We got a big storm last night so lots of needed rain as the temperature rise again for the end of the week. I put a comment on the Berry post on how I make cherry butter.

  • Wendy – Our garden is lush and well watered these days, too!

    Shawna – Thank you so much for the nomination (and kind words)!

    Chelee – I don’t think the soup would be very good cold, I think the beans might make it a bit gluey (they’re partially pureed).
    I hope you’re keeping cool!

    Dawn – I’ve never heard of sour leaf soup, it sounds interesting.
    Thanks for posting the cherry butter recipe!

    Eva – Too bad about your kale. Our broad beans have suffered the same fate.

  • Very beautiful pictures of your garden again!I like it!
    Yes,we have rainy days here too and at the moment is it too much rain.On the days is it wet and warm – that´s I don´t like!And in the nights rainy too and sometimes thunderstorms!In south of europe are in some areas at the moment temperatures to +48°C and without rain that´s definitive too hot and too dry.

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