Take a load off.
Amanda over at Soule Mama has a category on her blog called Corners of My Home, which I absolutely love (her whole blog is wonderful).
Since it’s winter and I’m having a hard time coming up with blog topics, I thought I’d do something similar. This is one of my favorite places in our house, because it’s where my husband sits when he reads to us at night (we’re currently listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix). He’s so much fun to listen to – his voices and silly faces keep us all riveted.When we bought the house (2 years ago as of December 2), there was 30 year old carpet throughout the living room and our bedroom. We pulled that all up before moving in, and C. meticulously refinished the original hardwood floors, which turned out beautifully despite being full of staples and covered in water stains. I tiled the entryway not long after.I love this chair, with its rich colour and subtle rose pattern. We bought it used from someone on Craigslist, but it came from Ikea originally. I realize this is a controversial thing to admit (considering they’re a huge multinational corporation), but I like Ikea furniture because their products are free from formaldehyde (a major contributor to indoor air pollution), and brominated flame retardants, and to find furniture without these things elsewhere could potentially cost a fortune. Buying their products second hand is a good option if you don’t want to support them directly.The nice warm glow coming from the lamp is courtesy of my new favorite light bulbs.Where’s your favorite place to read a good book?
Harry Potter—one of my favorites. I am looking forward to re reading them in anticipation of her last book (yeah it’s almost done!).
Nice looking floors by the way—we can totally appreciate the work involved in the re finishing and the tile work that I see in the back. Satisfying though isn’t it?
You’re going to laugh. I have two favorite places to read a good book. One is sitting at my diningroom table, because it’s right next to my woodstove, and there are several windows behind me. I like natural light.
The other … well, I’m a homeschooling, WAHM, and the only privacy I get is when I’m in the bathroom. So, I usually enjoy my books there ;).
Usually on the couch-I can still feel the warmth from the woodstove. Since we have no television anywhere in the house is quiet and peaceful though.
I’m another Harry Potter fan-I’ve read them all and I am patiently awaiting the final one. Is the Canadian version of the last Harry Potter really printed on recycled paper?
Monica – It is very satisfying doing your own renos, although it’s always more work than you anticipate (we had to put in more joists and rebuild the subfloor when we tiled the entryway). I’m always afraid to start something new for fear of what we’ll find!
Wendy – Oh, the glamourous life of a homeschooling mom! : )
Burdock Boy – Yes, it’s true! Raincoast has published the last two Potter books on 100% post-consumer paper.