What could be better on a lazy Saturday morning than zipping down to the local bakery and grabbing something yummy to go with your morning coffee? A big bag of Montreal style bagels still warm from the wood-fired oven is about as good as it gets.
These sesame bagels are incredible with a smear of cream cheese, but are also delicious on their own (especially when hot and fresh – the bag rarely arrives home intact). The leftovers will be frozen and used for a quick snack or for bagel sandwiches later in the week.
What’s your favorite weekend indulgence?
Favorite weekend indulgence might be when I fry an egg and toast an English muffin, add some proscuitto and a slice of a favorite cheese of the moment and I make a “healthy” version of a Mc Muffin. (I’ve honestly never even had a McMuffin!)
Mmmm, sounds yummy. I used to make something similar, but haven’t in awhile (and I never used proscuitto). I better go get some English muffins!
I don’t think I’ve ever had a Montreal bagel. They look delicious though.
They’re soooo good. Nothing at all like the store-bought variety.