September’s Sights

Please excuse the poor quality of today’s photos. It was so overcast when I took these, that I barely had enough light to get them without a flash (and I hate using the flash!).
Here’s what’s happening around the garden these days.
The calendula’s still looking lovely. I’m hoping to get some seeds off of the more mature flower heads in the next week or so (if it ever dries out a bit!).

I was very excited to find this fat cluster of blackberries hidden under a branch! They were very big and very tasty. Despite only having been planted this year, I’ve gotten a suprising number of berries off of this plant.
This Jersey Wakefield cabbage looks just about ready to eat. The heads aren’t quite as cone shaped as I thought they would be, but they look pretty good.
And finally, here are my crazy children out doing their rain dance when the heavens opened up at bedtime last night. The sound of rain pounding against the windows always sends them running out the door!Pajamas and rubber boots – they obviously inherited their mother’s keen fashion sense!

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